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Gordon W | all galleries >> Galleries >> My Best Shots > Wellington Street At Sunrise 09870-1
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Wellington Street At Sunrise 09870-1

Photographed in Ottawa, Ontario - the capital of Canada.

other sizes: small medium original auto
sandra kroeger03-Jan-2012 01:41
What Ricardo said...It does remind me of Disneyland. I was going to say that but someone beat me to it. Nice coloration!
Brandon Mardon12-Aug-2011 13:40
Perfect compo light and colors...
joseantonio10-Jul-2011 04:57
Lovely light and tones. Great work
John Reynolds LRPS10-Mar-2010 08:24
Excellent - great light and colour. Interesting scene.
Lloyd & Sandy Spitalnik25-Nov-2009 02:10
Fantastic shot!
Ralph21-Nov-2009 18:33
Great colors and a great shot Gordon!
Guest 15-Nov-2009 00:32
Disney can take some tips from your picture. Congratulations. V
craig wilson01-Nov-2009 06:52
Great tme of day,love the light
CJ Morgan28-Oct-2009 23:31
Here again, great!
mart senior26-Oct-2009 22:59
stunning detail....v
ac25-Oct-2009 16:04
Looks like Dysneyworld on a good day ! :-) Very nice.