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Meeli Tamm | profile | all galleries >> Nicaragua >> Managua tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Isla de Ometepe | Granada | Volcano Masaya | Managua | Leon | Nicaragua - Honduras border


Managua became capital of Nicaragua in 1857 after conflicts between Leon (the capital from 1524) and Granada. The city was destroyed twice (!!) in 20th century by an earthquake: in 1931 and 1972!
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Silhouette of Sandino on top of hill in Managua
Silhouette of Sandino on top of hill in Managua
Tiscapa crater lagoon in Managua
Tiscapa crater lagoon in Managua
remnants of Somoza's statue
remnants of Somoza's statue
Silhouette of Sandino on top of hill in Managua
Silhouette of Sandino on top of hill in Managua
a light tank sent by Mussolini to Somoza
a light tank sent by Mussolini to Somoza
the white building is the only building that survived the earthquakes in 20th century
the white building is the only building that survived the earthquakes in 20th century
dont drink beer or liquer!
dont drink beer or liquer!
ruins of Managua's old cathedral at Plaza de la Republica
ruins of Managua's old cathedral at Plaza de la Republica
ruins of Managua's old cathedral
ruins of Managua's old cathedral
ruins of Managua's old cathedral
ruins of Managua's old cathedral
ruins of Managua's old cathedral
ruins of Managua's old cathedral
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