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Isla de Ometepe | Granada | Volcano Masaya | Managua | Leon | Nicaragua - Honduras border


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Iglesia de La Recollecion, Leon, Nicaragua
Iglesia de La Recollecion, Leon, Nicaragua
Iglesia de La Recollecion, Leon, Nicaragua
Iglesia de La Recollecion, Leon, Nicaragua
Mausoleum of Heroes and Martyrs
Mausoleum of Heroes and Martyrs
Leon's cathedral is the largest cathedral in Central America
Leon's cathedral is the largest cathedral in Central America
Leon's cathedral
Leon's cathedral
Leon's cathedral
Leon's cathedral
Leon's cathedral
Leon's cathedral
Leon's cathedral
Leon's cathedral
museum of revolution
museum of revolution
museum of revolution
museum of revolution
museum of revolution
museum of revolution
museum of revolution
museum of revolution
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