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Mairéad | all galleries >> Travels Abroad >> Snapshots from Budapest > Ferries at Sunset
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Ferries at Sunset

Olympus E-P1
1/80s f/9.0 at 14.0mm iso500 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Neal Nye29-Jul-2012 10:52
A lovely end to the day!
Yvonne29-Jul-2012 07:09
What a gorgeous sky, lovely time of day! v
slhoornstra29-Jul-2012 07:00
A day to remember, excellent!! V
slhoornstra29-Jul-2012 06:59
A day to remember, excellent!! V
John Reynolds LRPS29-Jul-2012 06:22
A glorious scene. V.
Ali Majdfar29-Jul-2012 02:50
Marvelous scene! ~V
Stephanie29-Jul-2012 00:27
What an amazing sunset! Love the silhouette background! V
Karen Stuebing28-Jul-2012 22:27
This is a super exposure. Love the colorful sky and the ferries in the foreground. V.
Carl Carbone28-Jul-2012 21:50
Very nice capture. The exposure is perfect.
Tom LeRoy28-Jul-2012 21:47
Wow, a fantastic sky and the silhouetted old buildings in front makes this shot very special!V!
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