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The Historic Viroqua Public Market, Viroqua, WI USA | EMERGENCY! Inside a Trauma Center | Viroqua the Movie | Exploring a Tenuous Reality - my Photo a Day | MOVIE SHOOT: Philippines - Origins of My Blood | Burmese Felines of Middle Earth | A Decade in Chicago | Viroqua Enchantment... Heart of Unglaciated Wisconsin | "always time for Missoula!" (Butte too) | NYC & the WTC Site - Another Perspective | "Masks & Metal" - A Short Film | MACRO: seen from bulging eyes | Madison, Wisconsin - Isthmus City | aberrancy, oddities | Holga Lomography | In Box | Green Bay Packer Photography | Denver 2007

Viroqua the Movie

Preview/Purchase my first little book

A documentary about the small, eclectic town in southwest Wisconsin. A town in an accelerated state of evolution.. an evolution perceptible in real-time, with, of course, an uncertain outcome.
work on our Documentary Film

LOCATION: Viroqua, Wisconsin ...gateway to America's unglaciated, Driftless Region ...a small portion of Earth that has miraculously watched virtually unperturbed as each ice age came and went. Viroqua, forever unglaciated it seems.

::: :::

Read more of my Journey - visit my Blog
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rodent art effort
rodent art effort
:::   dead end, behind   :::
::: dead end, behind :::
sky whence drifts came
sky whence drifts came
no parking
no parking
three merchants
three merchants
skilled plowing
skilled plowing
less painful path
less painful path
Two Into Storm
Two Into Storm
truck plate
truck plate
King A
King A
ice and water
ice and water
Window Unwindow
Window Unwindow
Corn in Cold Wind
Corn in Cold Wind
Last Sun on Broken Paine
Last Sun on Broken Paine
Cop Cars & Cabs
Cop Cars & Cabs
Home NOT for Sale
Home NOT for Sale
seek compass heading
seek compass heading
richmond club
richmond club
stalks and standing
stalks and standing
Hobbit Built
Hobbit Built
Amish Hay Rack
Amish Hay Rack
Harvest Remains
Harvest Remains
harvest remains
harvest remains
hooded blue
hooded blue
lilac in wait
lilac in wait
Upon Solving the World's Problems
Upon Solving the World's Problems
Three Phases of Play
Three Phases of Play
concentric shovel tight
concentric shovel tight
Ponder Infinite Realities of Self
Ponder Infinite Realities of Self
Snow Pear
Snow Pear
Lightening over Viroqua
Lightening over Viroqua
giants invade yuba
giants invade yuba
Conscious Coinage
Conscious Coinage
shoot at garden
shoot at garden
Laurie in the dark
Laurie in the dark
Armitage, Graced by Snow
Armitage, Graced by Snow
what a moment teaches
what a moment teaches
embrace into one
embrace into one
Priest Buddha
Priest Buddha
Strangers on a Train
Strangers on a Train
oil pencil on paper
oil pencil on paper
At the Feline Eatery
At the Feline Eatery
GSW right chest and abdomen
GSW right chest and abdomen
Rays of hope....      ...illuminate my parents' eyes
Rays of hope.... ...illuminate my parents' eyes
Barn Past Red Mound
Barn Past Red Mound
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