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Old slide scans

Some old Kodachrome and Ektachrome slides shot in the late 70's with a Nikon F2 and scanned with a Nikon Coolscan V ED. Dust and mildew problems are still very much in evidence.
Water lily pod
Water lily pod
g1/16/514516/3/92671469.YJ1W0w26.jpg Seagull at San Francisco Bay
Seagull at San Francisco Bay
Big Dome, Yosemite National Park, California
Big Dome, Yosemite National Park, California
Niagara Falls
Niagara Falls
Girl in Sevilla, Spain
Girl in Sevilla, Spain
Baldorioty Avenue, San Juan
Baldorioty Avenue, San Juan
Condado Lagoon, San Juan
Condado Lagoon, San Juan
Caribe Hilton and Fort San Cristobal, San Juan
Caribe Hilton and Fort San Cristobal, San Juan
Bay Bridge, San Francisco
Bay Bridge, San Francisco
Aerial view of Capitol Building, San Juan, PR
Aerial view of Capitol Building, San Juan, PR