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Lillian Rodriguez | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Animals tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

Caminata Panoramica | Romeo | Camino de Santiago 2007 | Camino de Santiago 2011 | My country: Puerto Rico | PAD... sometimes! | Flowers | Old slide scans | Photoshop | Fractalius | Other cats | Street photography | Doors & Windows | Sunset | From my Balcony | Nighttime Photography | Panoramicas | Fotografia 101 | Editing & Processing | Animals | My Travels | Our Lighthouses | Sunrise | Water | B&W | Southwest USA | Coastal Scenes | Grand Teton & Yellowstone | Iceland


New feather
New feather
The loneliness of captivity
The loneliness of captivity
The eye of a green iguana
The eye of a green iguana
Turpial (Troupial)
Turpial (Troupial)
Funky bird (African crane)
Funky bird (African crane)
A menacing look
A menacing look
Mating ritual
Mating ritual
Here's looking at you, babe!
Here's looking at you, babe!
Big pussycat
Big pussycat
Bad hair day of an emu
Bad hair day of an emu