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Lamar Nix | all galleries >> Galleries >> Bookends > Daisy Garden
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Daisy Garden

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bill friedlander27-Apr-2018 17:44
Rich and colorful growth along the road, lovely shot. V
Tom LeRoy20-Sep-2011 20:56
A scene of true Summer! Wonderful light and colors!BV!
marko gregoric08-Mar-2010 06:37
Woderful place and very good shot. V.
Giancarlo Guzzardi03-Dec-2008 08:53
special point of view and composition
Guest 03-Jun-2008 02:17
blues and golds. very nice. v.
Jean D29-Mar-2008 01:49
Excellent, Lamar!
Andrew28-Mar-2008 21:01
I just love the way my eyes get lost in the sea of orange and green here, Lamar. Almost thought that road was a river at first. Nice little orange-ish aura going on the too....there on the right side of the clump of grasses rear-center. It really works for me and I can almost hear the stacatto chatter from those sprinklers. Good one!
Guest 28-Mar-2008 16:14
wonderful,looks like summer, Mmmmmm.
globalgadabout28-Mar-2008 14:50
a wonderful cluster of daisies...great pov and nice light
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