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Johnny JAG | all galleries >> Galleries >> The big hitters > holly.
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Canon EOS 300D Digital Rebel
1/30s f/5.6 at 27.0mm iso250 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Guest 07-Nov-2007 20:13
Soon it's Christmas. :)
laine8207-Nov-2007 19:51
deck the halls & fa la la la la.....!!!
Graham Tomlin09-Jul-2007 20:01
lovely regards Helen
carol j. phipps25-Mar-2007 17:38
Nice and sharp. VEry nice.
Buz Kiefer05-Oct-2005 23:52
Nice shot.
Al Chesworth05-Oct-2005 19:41
Nice one, nearly red enough.
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