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pbase Magoo Smiling November 24 2001.jpg

For the Thursday Totally Informal Transglobal Challenge

Magoo, my first lab totally smilling after playing
with his volley ball

FujiFilm FinePix S1 Pro
1/29s f/2.7 at 50.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 21-Oct-2006 00:09
Happy, smiley dog !
Dave Wixx20-Oct-2006 15:49
You better put the camera down and play before that smile turns to drool!!
Greg Harp20-Oct-2006 14:21
Marvelous doggy portrait.
Joanne Kamo20-Oct-2006 14:04
Really warm happy shot.
Susan Leigh20-Oct-2006 07:43
he is gorgeous, great smile!!
Linda Willets20-Oct-2006 04:27
man's best friend smile
shatterbug20-Oct-2006 00:33
Great smile, you must be holding dog biscuits ;-) Nice dof!
Guest 19-Oct-2006 22:37
Very nice shot.
Guest 19-Oct-2006 22:19
This made me smile. Nice shot
chrisse19-Oct-2006 21:25
Great smile indeed ! Very funny to see a dog smile like that.
Guest 19-Oct-2006 20:51
Great cute.
laine8219-Oct-2006 20:48
Cute doggy smile !!
wernere0119-Oct-2006 20:11
Great shot.
Carole Stevens19-Oct-2006 20:07
Oh so gorgeous cracking shot and great timing too Joan, more of these he has a super smile!
Jessica McCollum19-Oct-2006 19:40
Great shot!
QUERIDO19-Oct-2006 19:18
very nice smile!
beverley harrison19-Oct-2006 18:27
what a beauty!!
Zak19-Oct-2006 18:08
great catch! heheh
JW19-Oct-2006 17:48
Happiness captured!
royalld19-Oct-2006 16:14
That is a big smile... in fact, it is almost a laugh.
Bill Gallagher19-Oct-2006 16:02
Looks like a happy puppy to me.
Breland19-Oct-2006 14:56
He does have that happy look that dogs get. Nice capture Joan.
Michael Shpuntov19-Oct-2006 14:07
He look very happy and smily to me.
JSWaters19-Oct-2006 14:04
Gotta love that look - total devotion and happy to boot!
Guest 19-Oct-2006 13:01
Quite a smile!
Dan Chusid19-Oct-2006 12:31
"Put down the camera and let's play!"
Deborah Lewis19-Oct-2006 12:13
Yes, I see a smile!
Jola Dziubinska19-Oct-2006 12:09
Happy smiling dog, very cute.
Yvonne19-Oct-2006 12:02
Now that is a happy smile!
Jen Bixler19-Oct-2006 11:37
Yes, def a smile!
Eckhart Derschmidt19-Oct-2006 11:13
Guest 19-Oct-2006 11:01
beautiful! voted!
Barbara Heide19-Oct-2006 11:01
great smile! lol!
Sheila19-Oct-2006 10:07
He was definitely smiling!
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography19-Oct-2006 09:35
Happy and ready :)
Good catch.