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Jean-Luc Elias | all galleries >> Galleries >> My old cameras > Graflex 4x5"
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Graflex 4x5"

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Howard Sandler10-May-2017 13:39
Belle juxtaposition. J'ai obtenu un Crown Graphic just maintenant.
blizzard23-Jul-2012 13:58
even in those days i could not afford the film for this great shot
André Bessot18-Jul-2012 13:13
J'apprécie beaucoup cette manière de présenter vos appareils, mais je crois vous l'avoir déjà écrit... BV
Colin Clarke03-Dec-2007 22:30
Great condition, this Graphic.
Michael J. Parkinson23-Nov-2007 07:58
I still have one of these. When you need it there is no substitute in the SLR world.