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Jason Smith | profile | all galleries >> Projects and Hobbies >> Beer Brewing >> Setup Version 2.0 (Codename "Brewflex") >> Brew Day(s) >> Brew #2 - 07-29-07 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Brew #2 - 07-29-07

I managed to get a little more done to the system this past week, so things went a little better than last week. I picked up some high-temp, reinforced silicone hose to use to hold the sight glasses in place that successfully prevented another occurrence of the little “mishap” last week where one melted, the sight glass crashed to the ground, and a gallon of wort came along behind it. I did get some valves to put behind the sight glasses too, but the things are so big that I felt like they would get the glass that much further out into the open space that they’d be in more danger of getting hit, so I opted out this time. I wound up with some crude aluminum foil heat shields too which helped. Mental note is made to rig up something a little more permanent in the heat shield department. I did get my heat exchanger working to keep the mash temps consistent. I used an old aluminum pot and mounted the water heater element inside. It was slowwwww going to get the temp of that much water up. I wound up heating some in the HLT and transferring it down to give it a boost. I may have to install another heater element. It did a great job of keeping the temp right at 150 the whole time though, so I was pleased with it overall. I was pleased with this entire day, actually. Everything went very well this time!
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