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James Clarke | all galleries >> Galleries >> Mission Japan > The old part of town
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30/01/2009 James Clarke

The old part of town

Nagaokakyo, Kyoto-fu, Japan view map

Another attempt at catching a "slice of life" photo. I took this one while out shopping for supplies for dinner with Ritsuko. I took this shot from the front of a place that sells Japanese style Chinese food, where we got some Gyoza and Subuta to go with dinner. This was also our first break for a little while because we had been busy (the both of us) learning the ropes of an English Teaching business and (me) training at the kindergarten (the English programme runs from May to January so I was getting in a bit of training with the departing teacher).
This area is what I call the old part of town, it is near the Hankyu Nagaoka Tenjin Station, where the streets are narrower and the buildings older compared to the area around the JR Nagaokakyo Station.

Casio EX-Z850 ,Built in 7.9-23.7mm
1/80s f/2.8 at 7.9mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Sam_C26-Mar-2009 03:01
Fabulous shot, and slice of life. Makes me feel like I'm there! BV
12325-Mar-2009 03:56
A beautiful look at life in Japan. V
Ali Majdfar24-Mar-2009 13:45
Stunning capture, V
Raphael_E24-Mar-2009 08:35
Interesting snapshot ! V.
Simon Chandler23-Mar-2009 21:43
Very interesting. Love the composition. v
parallaxes aka Jean-Pierre Bijouard23-Mar-2009 18:45
Yes ! Excellent slice of life, were Gyoza and Subuta good ? :^)
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