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Isabel Cutler | all galleries >> Galleries >> Panasonic Lumix GX Vario 35-100 > SIL70001 Pileated and Hairy Woodpeckers
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SIL70001 Pileated and Hairy Woodpeckers

Shot through double-paned window

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François Fauchard27-Dec-2015 13:48
These woodpeckers are very nice ! V
Raymond27-Dec-2015 12:49
Such a gorgeous shot Isabel
Tom LeRoy27-Dec-2015 07:51
I agree with Christine, this is really good! V
Ghislaine et Réal Boulet27-Dec-2015 01:08
Fantastic capture.
larose forest photos27-Dec-2015 00:46
My through the window shots never turn out like this! This is fabulous, especially the photo of the beautiful pileated. V