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Brenda Palmer

Owner of "Not....Your Grandmother's Apron!". I came across a collection of her aprons in the Kresge "shopping center" in Asheville and took one of her flyers.

I had been wanting to sew a "Kappogi", a very beautiful Japanese apron that's worn over a kimono, but which is also good for sloppy cooks since it covers your clothing all around...but lacked the confidence in my ability to actually finish the project.

I emailed Brenda to see if she would use my pattern to make a Kappogi for me and we met at JoAnn's in Asheville this morning to choose the fabrics, which she is holding.

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Samsung SCH-I535
1/230s f/2.6 at 3.7mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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