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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami Area SCHOOLS, Classes, Teams, Bands, and Clubs Historical Photos Gallery - All Years - click on image to view > 1953 - Mr. Hartman's 7th grade homeroom class at Ponce de Leon Junior High in Coral Gables
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18-MAR-1953 Courtesy of Steve McDonald

1953 - Mr. Hartman's 7th grade homeroom class at Ponce de Leon Junior High in Coral Gables

Coral Gables, Florida

Thank you to Steve McDonald for contributing this great old image of his class.

Front row: Garrett VanSmith, Tolson Meares, John DeWitt, Ray Hefele, Ralph Joly, Joe Carroll and Jeff Knowles

2nd row: Carol Kimbrell, Veda Bokius, Janet Mosley, Barbara Capaldo, Lourdes Blanco, Joan Viens, Sandy Biggers, Rosemary Griffin and Martha Bowlby

3rd row: Robert Pratt, Richard Doster, Bob Snare, Steve McDonald, Wayne Brown, Ronnie Rosen, Steve Dasher, David Thomas, Charlie Bible and Frank Davis

4th row: Lucky Kyle, Barbra Crosby, Jim Sindo, Delores Buck, Mickey Little, Barbara Cofield and Dave Bartok

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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