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Maaike Huizer | all galleries >> gallery_of_galleries >> My photo-a-day >> 2006 - 2015 >> november 2007: Money makes the world go around > November 26th: A tribute to Pink Floyd
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Maaike Huizer

November 26th: A tribute to Pink Floyd

Money, get away.
Get a good job with good pay and youre okay.
Money, its a gas.
Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash.
New car, caviar, four star daydream,
Think Ill buy me a football team.

Money, get back.
Im all right jack keep your hands off of my stack.
Money, its a hit.
Dont give me that do goody good bullshit.
Im in the high-fidelity first class traveling set
And I think I need a lear jet.

Money, its a crime.
Share it fairly but dont take a slice of my pie.
Money, so they say
Is the root of all evil today.
But if you ask for a raise its no surprise that theyre
Giving none away.

Huhuh! I was in the right!
Yes, absolutely in the right!
I certainly was in the right!
You was definitely in the right. that geezer was cruising for a
Why does anyone do anything?
I dont know, I was really drunk at the time!
I was just telling him, he couldnt get into number 2. he was asking
Why he wasnt coming up on freely, after I was yelling and
Screaming and telling him why he wasnt coming up on freely.
It came as a heavy blow, but we sorted the matter out

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 26-Nov-2007 07:21
Ze blijven mij verrassen! Echt goed gedaan!
Barbara Heide26-Nov-2007 00:26
glad you pulled out this disc! very nicely done!
Carolyn Rasmussen26-Nov-2007 00:08
Very creative!
Máire Uí Mhaicín25-Nov-2007 21:02
Such a good idea! Well done.
Guest 25-Nov-2007 20:47
very creative and excelelnt.
Guest 25-Nov-2007 19:58
A very creative and great tribute too,Maaike!!
Marjan Schavemaker25-Nov-2007 19:18
Great, Maaike! V
John25-Nov-2007 17:23
Heel goed Maaike