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30-JUN-2007 © Nicky Thurgar

30 June - Tunnel vision...

Inside the Dartford tunnel... on our way to Norfolk for the weekend!
I always want to get through this tunnel ASAP... the thought of all that
water above my head.... :~O

Canon PowerShot SD800 IS
1/8s f/5.8 at 17.3mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 05-Jul-2007 12:31
Great motion and perspective! Love this.
Ray :)02-Jul-2007 22:17
Just think of the Thames as white wine and then it won't seem so bad...
I like the excitement of this.
Ian York02-Jul-2007 11:38
I agree with Neil, cool motion
Neil Horner01-Jul-2007 20:59
wow ! cool sense of motion, well done.
Zak01-Jul-2007 17:01
bloody tourists in that car on the left! ;-)
Ann...01-Jul-2007 16:50
Great picture but scary idea, best to just drive very fast.......
Johnny JAG01-Jul-2007 16:49
There's a light at the end of it...... Oh no!
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