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28-SEP-2006 Deborah Lewis

Stepping Over the Line for a Cold "Brew"

MD Line Exit

For The Totally Informal Thursday Challenge "Stepping over the line" as suggested by Ray Pettit.
MD Line Inn

Casio EX-Z850
1/640s f/4.0 at 7.9mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Sue Robertson30-Sep-2006 06:17
Great idea for the challenge.
Dave Wixx30-Sep-2006 02:37
So jen got there without killing herself!!
Guest 29-Sep-2006 23:33
Sounds like a good idea :-) well spotted !!
Al Chesworth29-Sep-2006 21:28
Two Buds and a burger please.
Susan Leigh29-Sep-2006 12:41
I'll have 'alf, cheers ;-) great idea!
shatterbug29-Sep-2006 06:51
Cheers! :-)
carol j. phipps29-Sep-2006 03:40
Lee G28-Sep-2006 23:40
I'll cross the line just this once! Cool shot (<:
Cindi Smith28-Sep-2006 23:27
Drink one for me!
wernere0128-Sep-2006 23:03
Stepping in, stumbling out. Nice idea.
Guest 28-Sep-2006 22:58
Good shot!
Jen Bixler28-Sep-2006 22:41
We should've timed our shots better and I could have met you for that beer! Cool!
Faye White28-Sep-2006 21:16
great idea!
Barbara Heide28-Sep-2006 20:36
nice find.. go for it!
royalld28-Sep-2006 20:20
Looks like the kind of place that could inspire someone to write a ballad.
Guest 28-Sep-2006 19:12
Great shot.
Jola Dziubinska28-Sep-2006 18:16
Good idea :)
J. Scott Coile28-Sep-2006 16:43
You and Jen are crossing the same line ;)
John Beck28-Sep-2006 16:34
Nice idea and that's my kind of line to cross.
Guest 28-Sep-2006 15:33
way to go! good shot!
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography28-Sep-2006 15:11
Good shot :)
Dan Chusid28-Sep-2006 14:51
Bet they have all the good stuff in there
including the imports from over the line!

Grab me a Sam Smith's will'ya?
: )
Bill Ewart Jr28-Sep-2006 14:49
Sweet shot! Great job!~
Sheila28-Sep-2006 14:07
Oh, great idea!!
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