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28th September 2006 Copyright © Ian York 2006


Pease Pottage, West Sussex

For The Thursday Challenge "Stepping Over The Line"
I took this in the small hours of Thursday morning returning to the Hotel after a few too many in the Pub.
It seems a good idea at the moment; I’ll probably regret it in the morning.
Lets hope it’s not the photographic equivalent of beer goggles :)

1/60 at f3.5 full exif

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Dave Wixx30-Sep-2006 02:53
Pease Pottage - been legless there numerous times!! In fact me and Melissa 'got together' there 12 years ago!!!
Al Chesworth29-Sep-2006 21:13
Those shoes was made for walking, I feel a song coming on.
Susan Leigh29-Sep-2006 12:38
great focus..hehe, love the concept.
Sue Robertson29-Sep-2006 05:57
Great idea... love the story behind it.
carol j. phipps29-Sep-2006 03:42
Ouch! for crossing the line???
shatterbug29-Sep-2006 02:30
Lol, sobriety test :-) Nice shot!
Bill Ewart Jr29-Sep-2006 00:21
These boots were made for walkin' !!
Cindi Smith28-Sep-2006 23:28
You didn't leave your shoes behind did you? Great shot!
Guest 28-Sep-2006 23:06
Stella (r) Shot Ian :-)
Guest 28-Sep-2006 22:18
You have to get that straight for tomorrow! ;-) Great idea.
Guest 28-Sep-2006 21:55
lol! Pubs can be such inspiration!
Zak28-Sep-2006 21:37
I bet you had cold feet! ;-)
wernere0128-Sep-2006 21:20
Didn´t know before this challenge, how many different kind of shoes exist (LOL). These are not sure about the direction, aren´t they?
Barbara Heide28-Sep-2006 20:44 it!
Carole Stevens28-Sep-2006 20:36
Great shot Ian love the boots, now you might have got some funny looks here!How would you explain this?
royalld28-Sep-2006 20:31
It looks to me like you had a great time at the pub that night.
There was nothing wrong with your ability to focus.
beverley harrison28-Sep-2006 20:19
great shot!!
nordic28-Sep-2006 19:52
I would have loved to see you stumbling around in the dark after a visit to the pub!
Great stuff Ian!
chrisse28-Sep-2006 19:50
No walking on a streight line this is...
Dan Chusid28-Sep-2006 19:31
It could have been worse...
Guest 28-Sep-2006 18:45
Fantastic idea, never thought of this.Great shot!!
Michael Shpuntov28-Sep-2006 18:06
Very creative and funny. Right on theme.
Lee Rudd28-Sep-2006 18:05
remember, thats how your socks got dirty!
Guest 28-Sep-2006 17:06
Nice shot. Really funny.
J. Scott Coile28-Sep-2006 16:57
Alien abduction ;) Sweet!
John Beck28-Sep-2006 16:48
LOL!!!!!! That is so funny. Great job.
Guest 28-Sep-2006 16:32
Great stuff Ian lol:-)))))))))))
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography28-Sep-2006 16:30
The direction is not quite clear Ian :)
Sheila28-Sep-2006 16:24
LOL! Very cool.
Dan Chusid28-Sep-2006 15:53
You'll really regret it if you forgot to pick them up
and they were run over by a bus!
Jola Dziubinska27-Sep-2006 23:55
Very clever :) Guess you had an experience LOL