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Peter Schultz | all galleries >> Travel >> Greece >> Crete 2006 > Evening show
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Evening show

Nikon D70
3s f/32.0 at 70.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
GP Merfeld20-Oct-2008 20:55
Such an amazing image! Congratulations.
GP Merfeld20-Oct-2008 20:54
Such an amazing image! Congratulations.
Tim van Woensel20-Oct-2008 11:47
Amazing shot Peter!
Milos Markovic19-Oct-2008 20:14
Ken Zaret19-Oct-2008 17:55
terrific shot, lots of depth and interest.
Guest 19-Oct-2008 10:59
Congrats Peter, excellent shot! and I look forward to your Challenge.
Jeroen Bosman19-Oct-2008 10:41
Congrats! Good you posted this for the S&T competition, would probably have missed it otherwise. What a great idea to choose a long exposure! v.
Robyco01-Sep-2007 11:11
This is ART !!! (big Vote)
Luc VN09-Jul-2007 17:22
Great shot - great forethought and execution
Apostolos Tikopoulos18-Mar-2007 09:35
Fantastic shot.Voted
Apostolos Tikopoulos18-Mar-2007 09:24
Fantastic shot.Voted
Guest 14-Feb-2007 05:58
This is one of the best images on Pbase Ive ever seen. I'd vote twice if it would let me! Kudo's
Yves Rubin30-Sep-2006 15:30
Wow! You really nailed this stopped action shot! Bob Krist emphasizes those (he teaches regularly around the US), but I think yours is the best example I have seen. Superbly dynamic and framed!
See some of Krist's picture here:
Guest 28-Sep-2006 17:30
Unreal- best fire dancing shot ive ever seen!
Chris Lock16-Sep-2006 16:05
Very interesting
Luís Pereira16-Sep-2006 15:28
Fantastic! Superb!
Sue Robertson13-Sep-2006 10:05
What can I say? Fantastic image. gMV
Guest 12-Sep-2006 16:24
Agnes T. Ackerl12-Sep-2006 14:56
terrific! great shot! ~V
Paradoxal Studio Classic09-Sep-2006 10:01
Magique ! Superbe !!!
firstbrook07-Sep-2006 21:55
Joseph Levy02-Sep-2006 17:01
Wow! Fantastic image, GMV
Robert Charity02-Sep-2006 15:06
wow, V
Guest 01-Sep-2006 17:31
absolutly stunning!! got my vote perfect shot!
Cory Easter01-Sep-2006 16:37
Great image. Colors, composition, movement.
Yves Rubin30-Aug-2006 18:03
Superb and magical! The movement of light is one of the best I have seen, even from professionals!
Guest 30-Aug-2006 18:03
Unreal and exceptional capture. Voted
Guest 30-Aug-2006 13:43
Well done!! \V/.
Iain M Norman30-Aug-2006 12:57
Bloody fantastic. Bloody fantastic. Twice isn't enough. BLOODY FANTASTIC!
Ian Wibberley30-Aug-2006 11:10
Barbara Heide30-Aug-2006 10:01
wow!stunning shot!
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