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lejun | all galleries >> Awesome Arachnids >> Simply Spiders >> Orb Weavers (Family Araneidae) >> Genus: Macracantha > Arrow-shaped Micrathena Spider
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12-AUG-2005 Lejun

Arrow-shaped Micrathena Spider

Copyright © Lewis Scharpf

Micrathena sagittata
Dorsal View

Nikon Coolpix 8700
1/125s f/3.6 at 25.4mm iso50 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Anonymous Spartan Boy 15-Oct-2009 22:36
I need some info about this spider if you can put some then Thanks!

P.S Im doing a report
Guest 23-Aug-2009 22:08
I just spent over an hour trying to find this spider! I found two of them in my blackberry patching in a field in New Hampshire. Thanks for the help. Great picture!