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May 2nd

"Are you looking at me? Are YOU looking at ME!?"

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Guest 01-Dec-2013 18:58
Fantastic. Best. J
Photo.Keely11-Oct-2011 19:04
Nice work! V.
Ghislaine et Réal Boulet13-Nov-2007 13:15
Very impressive shot.
Robert Dupuis13-Oct-2007 01:28
Powerful picture
Yves Marquis11-Sep-2007 02:56
super hot
DENZA29-Jun-2007 14:40
Eric Carrère28-Jun-2007 08:49
Excellent work, V.
QUERIDO24-Jun-2007 12:38
Excellent shot,vote
Simon Chandler02-Jun-2007 03:06
Excellent work. Superb timing. Great exposure and focus. v
Thierry Lucas17-Jan-2007 23:04
Great capture.
Ali Majdfar10-Jan-2007 11:49
Spectacular shot. GMV
Sabine Stetson18-Jun-2006 19:57
wonderful picture....ready for the landing....
Mindy McNaugher17-Jun-2006 03:17
Amazing capture!!! Awesome shot! Vote!
tomsview15-Jun-2006 07:09
Great capture
Karen Moen07-Jun-2006 23:42
Great shot of a difficult moving subject. I can't believe how round it is! Voted.
Bob Foisel05-May-2006 16:34
Cool shot.
Squared C30-Apr-2006 07:01
How'd you do it?!? Fantastic!
arminb12-Mar-2006 20:27
arminb15-Dec-2005 22:03
What an unbelievable catch! Fantastic! My vote for sure!
Perfect, Cheers, Armin
Sheila20-Nov-2005 04:35
That is a super shot.
So funny too, with his little tiny legs.
The wings were captured beautifully.
Guest 20-Nov-2005 01:36
Really nice!
Guest 01-Oct-2005 16:17
simply awesome
Thomas Spurr26-Sep-2005 01:29 shot
Tor11-Sep-2005 15:23
That is just brilliant! How can that fat thing fly???
Guest 11-Sep-2005 07:15
Mayday Mayday!! camera in the way!! :-))
cheers on a very splended and marvellous capture.... too good..
WOW! is all one can say
Voted !! VV
nomada10-Sep-2005 19:13
Outstanding capture. Excellent timing.
Guest 05-Sep-2005 21:48
GREAT! cool shot midflight! love it!
Gary Winters20-Aug-2005 01:14
Amazing shot!
Guest 05-Aug-2005 10:52
Might I suggest that this one would benefit from some background sound (ie Flight of the Bumblebee)
tomsview28-Jul-2005 07:59
Can't help, just vote!
Josy's Pics27-Jul-2005 04:21
Truly amazing. Voted!
steve mcsweeny01-Jul-2005 06:43
Amazing!!!! :vote:
Guest 11-Jun-2005 21:11
U r really good at these flying insects huh...this is my new goal...I wanna learn to get that kind of shot!!
virginiacoastline11-May-2005 00:38
Chris06-May-2005 05:59
I'll echo the sentiments. Cool shot. The exif isn't there. What sort of lens and at what distance?
Sabine Stetson05-May-2005 17:03
phantastic picture!!!!!! woww....
Guest 04-May-2005 19:11
Thats a cool shot!
Josy's Pics04-May-2005 18:55
Just a WOW!
oh.. and a vote too... Josy
Guest 04-May-2005 17:27
W0W! That is awesome! Brilliantly done!
Gayle P. Clement04-May-2005 09:57
Incredible. It makes me want to duck and let this monster go by!
Cheryl Hawkins03-May-2005 21:26
Amazing view!
Guest 03-May-2005 11:36
aghhh!!! duck or run!!! attack of the killer insect.
Guest 03-May-2005 06:01
Dude, this is wicked!
Steven Jusczyk03-May-2005 05:59
Great angle. Nice capture.
Guest 03-May-2005 05:30
Totally awesome. Voted.
Guest 03-May-2005 05:19
No way!!! This is too cool. Great job.
Bryan Murahashi03-May-2005 03:36
Great capture.
Rich Adams02-May-2005 23:39
Damn... That's cool! Got my vote.
Guest 02-May-2005 23:28
Absolutely aMAXing!!!! How did you DO that?!!!!! Here's your vote!
Guest 02-May-2005 22:15
WOWIE-WOW, this is cool and unnerving and freaky all at the same time! Great shot! You got my vote.
beverley harrison02-May-2005 21:28
absolutely brilliant! well done!
Guest 02-May-2005 20:59
Amazing capture! What makes it even more amazing is that you managed to get it that sharp.
CJ Morgan02-May-2005 20:47
Good catch.
Guest 02-May-2005 20:44
Guest 02-May-2005 20:36
how the!!!!
what lens are you using?!?!?
that's insane!!!!
very in your face
Chris Sofopoulos02-May-2005 20:25
Hehe... It's a kamikaze Dan! Great flying capture!
Dan Chusid02-May-2005 19:44
For your sake... I hope it's not a Kamikaze. ;-O
Guest 02-May-2005 19:39
Outstanding capture! It looks like the photographer won this round! :)
Leo Charette02-May-2005 19:29
Beautifully timed capture with excellent detail. Bravo!!
Guest 02-May-2005 19:20
That's scary!
Guest 02-May-2005 19:09
Wow, amazing shot !
Guest 02-May-2005 19:02
How do these things fly ? it goes against all laws of aerodynamics!
Guest 02-May-2005 18:58
amazing capture. the caption made me grin.
JeremyGood02-May-2005 18:30
That is incredible. Bet that took some work.
Christina Craft02-May-2005 18:29
Absolutely phenominal!!!!! Voted.
René Gysi02-May-2005 18:14
Wow...what's for a monster? Great!
Saskia 02-May-2005 17:56
Wooooooow!!! Amazing!!!