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Yvonne | all galleries >> E x o t i c garden plants >> Australian parks and gardens >> Mt. Lofty Botanic Gardens in the Autumn of 2015 > Shady trees
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21-APR-2015 Yvonne

Shady trees

Mt. Lofty Botanic Gardens

On a delightfully sunny autumnal day.

Thankyou Lynn for thinking up this interesting Challenge!

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Buz Kiefer01-May-2015 19:04
Wonderful colors and arrangement. V
hamery01-May-2015 15:13
Great POV and colorful, Yvonne. Beautiful trees. V
Tom LeRoy01-May-2015 11:58
Love the Autumn colors and the light filtering through the leaves! V
Range View 01-May-2015 03:49
Splendid colour in this wonderful autumn day image.
Gill Kopy01-May-2015 01:10
Just beautiful :) V
larose forest photos30-Apr-2015 23:23
A really love reminder of my favourite season! V
Johnny JAG30-Apr-2015 20:35
Lovely light
laine30-Apr-2015 20:26
It looks very pretty in it's golden colours.
joseantonio30-Apr-2015 16:44
Love those colors.V.
Bill Robinson30-Apr-2015 13:21
A lovely place to while away the Autumn hours, well done Von.
Gerard Koehl30-Apr-2015 13:16
Splendide. V
barbarajoy30-Apr-2015 11:59
Glorious scene. The trees stand straight on the sloping hill and the sunlight is beautiful.V
Jeff Real30-Apr-2015 11:41
The light is a beautiful element here as well as the swell colors ~V~
Alexander Kazakov30-Apr-2015 11:21
So beautiful capture! V
borisalex30-Apr-2015 09:43
Beautiful light on that slanted hill in great Autumn colors! V.
Martin Lamoon30-Apr-2015 07:35
Terrific capture with the Autumn colours.
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