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John Lamb | all galleries >> Galleries >> A home for images from the brilliant Fuji XE2. > The Sheppards Dog.
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27-SEP-2014 © J Lamb 2014

The Sheppards Dog.

Hindon, Otago.

A tribute to the hard working Sheepdogs of Otago.
The dog that sat for the sculptor is still living and working.

Submitted for the monthly challenge

FujiFilm X-E2 ,Fujinon XF 14mm F2.8 R
1/550s f/4.5 at 14.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Jola Dziubinska09-Oct-2014 00:29
Very cute tribute.
Cindi Smith01-Oct-2014 03:46
What a great sculpture! :)
LynnH29-Sep-2014 16:27
What a lovely tribute!
Paco López29-Sep-2014 10:13
I love it!! V!
Mieke WA Minkjan29-Sep-2014 09:59
a wonderful statue to the great sheep dogs
borisalex29-Sep-2014 07:26
Beautiful entry to the challenge! Great sculpture and shot with the beautiful landscape! V.
Bill Miller29-Sep-2014 06:17
That is good, much more interesting than a statue of forgotten people.
larose forest photos29-Sep-2014 02:07
Love it! Anything that depicts a dog attracts me, and this is particularly appealing both as an image and because of the story. V
Guest 29-Sep-2014 01:59
Fine image and accompanying story. V
Stephanie29-Sep-2014 00:38
This is a charming sculpture! So happy to read that the dog is still alive and well! V
Neil Marcus28-Sep-2014 23:58
An excellent quality image.
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