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Arnie Peterschmidt | all galleries >> Galleries >> Photo-per-Day > Jan4.jpg
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Seaside winter sunset

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Ken Zaret16-Jul-2019 02:12
Wonderful shot Arnie, this wins the 517th PBase Show&Tell contest: Expansive Coastlines!
Gill Kopy11-Jul-2019 05:36
Fabulous shot ! V
Yiannis Pavlis07-Feb-2014 05:17
Nicely composed with textures,colors ,details and beautiful pov.
joseantonio17-Jan-2014 05:16
Fabulous light and composition.V.
Mairéad12-Jan-2014 20:18
Wonderful light and composition. Great to see so many people enjoying this beautiful spot. V
René Gysi12-Jan-2014 14:26
Wow.. fantastic lighting and mood. V
fotabug12-Jan-2014 12:33
Pretty, inviting scene
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