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05-NOV-2012 Jola Dziubinska

Emily's Portrait


Nikon D700 ,Nikkor AF-S 24-70mm f/2.8G ED
1/20s f/5.0 at 70.0mm iso1600 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 19-Nov-2012 17:24
Great portrait. V
Zoltán Balogh08-Nov-2012 21:02
A really beautiful portrait of your daughter Jola! V
Walter Otto Koenig07-Nov-2012 17:10
Nice portrait work in b&w.
Jeff Lobaugh07-Nov-2012 17:00
Lovely lighting!
LynnH06-Nov-2012 18:36
She's a doll and this is a lovely photo. You've captured some whimsy! V
borisalex06-Nov-2012 08:48
Ain´t she beautiful..proud mother! V.
Guest 06-Nov-2012 08:21
beautiful lady,portrait and image Jola.
Guest 06-Nov-2012 01:30
Emily is very beautiful!!! She has a wonderful skin, just like her mother, lovely portrait Jola!!!!
Barbara Heide05-Nov-2012 22:55
superb Portrait! V
Karen Stuebing05-Nov-2012 22:14
Beautiful young woman and portrait. Great lighting and tones. V.
Cindi Smith05-Nov-2012 21:38
I can tell she is a free spirit. Just beautiful, just like her Mama! BV!
J. Scott Coile05-Nov-2012 21:14
Lovely Jola. SHe look so like you!
Guest 05-Nov-2012 19:57
This is great....Beautiful capture !!
Stephanie05-Nov-2012 16:06
Beautiful portrait of your daughter Jola! The lighting is gorgeous and I love the conversion to B&W! V
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