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J. Scott Coile | all galleries >> Minds Eye (14 Subgalleries) >> You Ought to BE... > 153
Vertigo (1958)
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Vertigo (1958)


A month of photos inspired by movies. See others'
or join the challenge by clicking on this LINK.

To be part of the "You Ought to BE..." gallery:

More information on Alfred Hitchcock's "Vertigo".

Canon EOS 1D Mark II ,Canon TS-E 24mm f/3.5L
1/1600s f/3.5 at 24.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Jeff Lobaugh09-Jun-2011 04:10
Great image! Love the sprockets!!
larose forest photos03-Jun-2011 21:54
Ahh, a classic!! Watched this one recently. Super shot! VV
laine03-Jun-2011 18:57
ahhhhhh....come down from there....:)) First class, Scott
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)03-Jun-2011 14:18
The "mono" actor! VVV
Ali Majdfar03-Jun-2011 10:27
Stunning work! ~V
Colin Storey03-Jun-2011 09:32
Love your expression, great acting and image.
Mieke WA Minkjan03-Jun-2011 09:10
great image Scott of acrophobia!
Antonis Sarantos03-Jun-2011 05:23
Very well done. Bravo Scott!!!
Sam_C03-Jun-2011 04:12
Awesome! You take the best SP's Scott! V++ :-)
j>a>e>17 :):):)03-Jun-2011 04:10
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you just made me call 911!!!! YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :):):):)
Linda Willets03-Jun-2011 03:49
Hitchcock was the master!
LynnH03-Jun-2011 03:13
I love this one!!! And one of my favorite movies too! You get a vote for your acting ability, too! :O)
Bill Ewart Jr03-Jun-2011 03:01
Hah!!!!!!! You're so good at this challenge! Now get me down from here!~
Roe..03-Jun-2011 02:45 well done!
Wei O'Connell03-Jun-2011 01:57
Hang on, we are coming to save you :-) Love this movie!!!
Cindi Smith03-Jun-2011 01:42
I see you are picking horror films! Oh yeah...this is gonna be a good month! :)
Walter Otto Koenig03-Jun-2011 01:33
"High Anxiety, You Win" :)
Guest 03-Jun-2011 01:19
Another excellent photo Scott!!! Great acting too!!!
carol j. phipps03-Jun-2011 00:33
Wow! Terrific emotion!
Stephanie03-Jun-2011 00:06
Hitchcock strikes again!!!! I'm loving your series so far Scott!!! You rock!! :)
Janice Dunn02-Jun-2011 22:30
I see the terror in his face...
Doug Cruden02-Jun-2011 22:19
You're in the groove with this Challenge Scott - stunning stuff...
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