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Olympus DSLR Challenge | all galleries >> Olympus E-SLR Challenge Galleries >> C132 Ordinary People by FrankM >> C132 Competition > edit image
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24-APR-2010 Carlo

Know what I'm sayin?...Carlo

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Brenda 05-May-2010 15:36
Oh, very well done. And the red draws attention to the speaker.
Guest 30-Apr-2010 17:13
Excellent catch, Carlo!

fredcat30-Apr-2010 02:41
yep this is an example of really good body language composed and post processed very well

Guest 29-Apr-2010 19:32
You caught him! He's really unaware of you and fully dedicated to his speech, great catch! The effect of colour+B&W works very well to attract our attention to the main subject.