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Alain LESTRADE | all galleries >> SERIE NOIRE >> DOMINO >
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Robin Lew03-Jan-2014 05:22
What a darling kitten. Wish he was mine. V
Michael Rowan21-Sep-2013 13:35
Great Capture and black and white.
John Reynolds LRPS21-Sep-2013 04:25
Very cute!
GeneWard19-Sep-2013 00:13
This is even cuter!
villette08-Oct-2010 22:00
Superbe Domino!
Inga Morozoff31-Jul-2009 16:40
Guest 22-Jul-2009 20:40
Congratulatios, geat shot.
Maaike Huizer22-Jul-2009 09:28
Congratulations. A true winning shot. You've captured the moment so well!!
cits_4_pets22-Jul-2009 05:21
Very cute expression!
Peter Stubley20-Jul-2009 13:38
Une pose et une expression classique. Très bien capturé.
Gerhard Ritsema21-Jan-2009 21:49
What the hell is that! (c:
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