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McGarva | all galleries >> Aberdeen (18 Galleries) >> Beach Gallery > Sunrise Autumn 2008
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17-OCT-2008 McGarva

Sunrise Autumn 2008

Aberdeen, Scotland

other sizes: small medium original auto
Allan Jay08-Feb-2015 20:01
Superb composition and balance.
princess01-Feb-2011 10:27
Splendid sunrise. Dreaming colors. V.
Michel Duval22-Dec-2010 22:04
Fantastic. What splendid travel we have had. You really give us desire to visit your town. V
LynnH25-Sep-2010 21:08
Fantastic ribbons of color and light! V
routerer25-Apr-2010 22:43
That was well worth getting up for, superb sky.
john + V
Josh Bear02-Jan-2010 22:06
A great picture in the company of many greats.
Steve Highfield19-Jan-2009 23:09
One of the best sunsets I've seen - Excellent! *
peterjay4501-Nov-2008 20:05
Beautiful! Great balance and colour. V.
Guest 01-Nov-2008 09:13
love the colour!
JW26-Oct-2008 18:37
Wow! That is stunning - perfect for the desktop too, so you make the most of it!
Guest 25-Oct-2008 21:41
beautiful. -v
Maaike Huizer24-Oct-2008 14:00
Stunning! V
Stewart Mitchell20-Oct-2008 18:43
Best of a great set well done ~V~
Jola Dziubinska19-Oct-2008 20:54
Absolutely stunning photo, amazing mood and colors. VOTE.
BleuEvanescence19-Oct-2008 00:47
No words can really describe the beauty of this...
Doug Cruden18-Oct-2008 11:09
That's just about as perfect a sunrise as you can get - a strong bold composition, rich deep colours and a couple of reflections just for good measure. A beautifully proportioned photo. V+
Guest 18-Oct-2008 10:28
I doubt I'd make it too work with this spot on the way.
mojoflowerchick17-Oct-2008 21:53
WOW... beautiful
Johnny JAG17-Oct-2008 19:24
Another cracker!
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