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22 September 2005 (6)
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22 September 2005 SRW

Just ignore him!
22 September 2005 (6)

Fovant, Salisbury, UK

Went out for a walk (wanting not to take a food macro shot, today... -- thinking maybe I'd do a landscape piccy, instead...):
trying to make the most of a peaceful, warm, country village evening; and bumped into these two, having a natter as the sun went down....

"Pretend we haven't seen him."
"But he might have some mints on him."
"Don't mention food! Talk about something else, instead...."
"Well, erm, look: that fence needs mending."
"I know... -- but what can you do...?"

Actually, the brown (should that be "chestnut"?) one turned out to be a bit of a 'poseur'...
-- and they were soon both very obliging...!


("Now... look to the left, please...!")

Nikon Coolpix 5700
1/364s f/4.4 at 22.3mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 25-Jul-2006 17:31
Stunning shot; the lighting is beautiful.
Coleen Perilloux Landry15-Jul-2006 04:40
The light in this is beautiful. Wonderful composition.
akleja02-Mar-2006 16:41
Guest 24-Sep-2005 14:00
Wonderful image - great warm backlighting and composition. The dialogue was pretty good too. :-)
Sharon Rogers23-Sep-2005 11:58
gorgeous golden backlighting
SRW23-Sep-2005 08:23
Thanks, everyone...!

It was torture getting the light just as I wanted it (and these two were ever so patient...!); and, even then, I wasn't sure that it actually worked as an image (...too warm; not enough contrast; too much flare (and not enough flair...!); not enough detail or highlighting on the darker horse, etc.) -- thank you for you for your kind words of approbation: I feel a whole lot more confident, now!
kent larnhill23-Sep-2005 07:17
Wonderful shot!
Mindy McNaugher23-Sep-2005 03:34
Stunning warm light! Excellent shot!
Herb 23-Sep-2005 03:23
Very nice
northstar3723-Sep-2005 00:20
they look gorgeous in the afternoon light