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Henk Binnendijk | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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PT Ayana Duta Mandiri 29-Oct-2021 05:02
Pelatihan Training K3 PT. Ayana Duta Mandiri

Inez Kretzschmar 20-Oct-2021 10:39
Beste Henk, Ik heb een tweetal foto's van u op Flickr gevonden die ik graag voor een artikel in het Vriendenbericht van de Hortus Haren wil gebruiken. Het gaat om een foto van de maanpoort in en foto van de entree van de Chinese tuin. Ik hoop dat u toestemming wilt geven. Ik hoor graag van u.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Inez Kretzschmar
William Stuyvenberg 07-May-2019 19:05
Served in Ft Wainwright from 1969 to 1971. Drove a heavy wrecker and serviced the fort and some of the surrounding missle sites. Some of the coldest weather on record in those years. Had to survive cold weather indoctrination for 3 days. Hunted and fished a lot back then. Fairbanks had very little to offer then besides bars. Offered a job when I got out of the service hauling fuel oil in Alaska.Wish I would have taken it. Ended up an owner-operator of a 18 wheeler, then went to work for Yellow Freight System in Detroit Michigan. Retired now and living in Daytona Beach where it is warm.
Willeke Geertsema 12-Apr-2019 14:11
Beste Henk,

zou ik uw prachtige foto van Niehove mogen gebruiken voor een gratis toeristengidsje? Uw naam zal uiteraard in het colofon worden genoemd. Ik hoor het heel graag z.s.m. van u!
French Joe 22-Oct-2012 19:37
To clarify our previous comment: It is in reference to the Eagle AK series photo of the memorial sign at Hajek Landing, in memory of Joe Hajek and Dewayne Bowers.
French Joe 22-Oct-2012 19:29
We were mining on the Fortymile River when we became acquainted with Joe. He stopped by our claim to visit a couple of times. We met Dewayne in Fairbanks the winter of 1976, and he came to the Fortymile country because he was fascinated by our bush life, and maybe because of just a touch of gold fever. Our family was devastated by the death of these two good men. It was more than just a "mining dispute." We would be glad to talk to any of their family members. We never did know who to contact for either of them. Thank you so much for posting this photo of their memorial sign.
Mehmet 19-May-2012 17:56
Hello , I will ask a question.I and my friend wanna go to Preikestolen.So we will come to Stavanger.But we don't know How we can go preikestolen from stavanger.And How much to go there?We really wanna see .Finally do you know, ıs there cheap hostel or lıke this place ? If we dont come stavanger we will go Oslo.And I think Oslo is too far to Preikestolen.We need some support If you help us about thıs , we will be glad ....
Guest 24-Oct-2011 15:14
Beautiful photos.

I live in Virginia, but my father was from Amersfoort,

Would love to take photos in NL.
John J Goudswaard 29-Oct-2009 19:21
Henk,Thank you very much for letting me view all your beautiful pictures. I injoy the one's from the Netherland's the most. My parents imigrated to the States in '57 when I was tien jaar, nu ben ik 63 jaar.
Dag John
GREG LEHMANN 18-Sep-2009 17:51
Hello Henk.How are you. I used to be on VT not much anymore. We emailed a few times over the years past. anyway.I think you have some of the best pictures. I was looking at your work.And came across your dogs. Joop what a great dog. Looked like my Terrier Badger. Same colors black and white ,but 20 pounds. She passed on April 2008.She was 21 years one month and 12 days old. I still cry I miss her so much. I was touched at yout tribute to your forever friend ... When ya heading back to Alaska... Thank You Greg in San Diego California.. Take Care
Michel 12-Jul-2009 12:00
Bravo à vous pour ces beaux voyages où vous nous emmener !
Great pictures with nice lights and colors sensibility ...!

Thanks from Michel F ( France )
Keen Speed 10-Feb-2009 03:40
I have started to take lots of pictures and now posting them on the web. Just wanted you to know how inspiring your site and all the photo's on it have been so inspiring to me thanks for the memories...See ya after....Ireland
Nikki 22-Jan-2009 14:37
I am desperate to 'talk' (email) to someone who has been to Cuba recently (last few years). We are thinking of going but first I really need some questions answered. If you're willing to help, please email me. Thanks so much!
Tommaso 06-Jan-2009 16:09
Congratulation for your great pics! The country side of your home place is really breath taking! Really pleasant to watch! Beautiful dog, I have also a female galgo. Regards from Spain. Tommaso
feiko bouman 01-Sep-2008 11:30
hallo henk
groeten uit sydney aus............mooie fotos...groningen schier enz.
ik ben in gron. geboren.........brugstraat en kom dit jaar in dec. even weer op visitie
nogmaals groeten en tot ziens
feiko bouman
himane12-Jul-2008 08:54
Awesome work. I am in complete envy.
Cherry 21-Jun-2008 03:55
Thank you for capturing the essence of so many places. I live in Ketchikan, Alaska...have been in the state for 32 years. While 'surfing the net' I came across your photos of Wiseman. It looked much like places my husband and I had seen in the Yukon. I thought hmmm....where IS Wiseman? I ended up taking a tour of the world from the past 35 years! Thanks! You are a great photographer!
Beverly 27-Jan-2008 05:44
Awesome photo's. I have never been to AK but my brother "Hap" was Manager of the Big I International on Cushman street for 44 years, across from the Daily News Miner Bldg and the Immaculate Conception Church, the area I check daily through the News Miner Arctic Cam. All these pictures took me to the City my brother loved so dearly. I can say "I almost feel like I have visited Fairbanks and all of AK through your magnificent photo's. Spectacular photography. Thanks.
Robert 25-Jan-2008 22:18
Just thought you'd like to know there are 2 count em two ATM machines at Deadhorse now. One is at the General Store above the Ace Hardware and the other is in The Hotel thats across the street from Alaska Airlines.
Allen & Mitzy Dunn 12-Dec-2007 20:47
Thanks to you for your great pictures! While serving in the U.S. Army I was stationed at Ft. Richardson and then Eielson AFB from September 1967 to Feb. 1970. We drove to Alaska via the Alcan Highway in a 1960 VW beetle. That was an experience!! We(my wife and I) remember Fairbanks and Alaska with fond thoughts. I always wanted to return but that doesn't seem likely.
Doria28-Mar-2007 10:16
Missing Anna's everything alright?
Thinking of her...
Robyco20-Feb-2007 08:06
Just past by and saw some great pictures. The way you look at things and then catch them is great. Really well done and gives me some ideas. Thank you for sharing.
roulette 28-Nov-2006 05:07
u have the beauty site
Guest 25-Oct-2006 11:46

Terrific gallery, I have been planning to go to Cuba for years, your Photographs are an illistration of why!!

Thx Thomas Cole , Ottawa, Canada
Evaldas 02-Aug-2006 14:03
Dear Henk. Thank you very much for sharing those amazing photos from CUBA. Wonderful job, sir!
Lon Somora 27-Jul-2006 15:56
Good morning. I'm interested in hiking the Chilkoot but one book says it is only for experienced hiders. Can you tell me if this is doable for someone in good condition and well planned but not exerienced in hiking?
Latifa Messaoudi29-Jun-2006 23:27
very nice pics here! viva cuba!
BJ Hazenberg De Vliezier 30-May-2006 11:00
Mooie Vlieland foto's
Bernard Bosmans27-May-2006 08:39
Henk wat een prachtige gallerij, ik heb genoten van Joop's avonturen. Het allerbeste vanuit 'down-under'.
Guest 20-May-2006 13:08
Zeer mooi, met de beste groeten
Suzy Holm 05-May-2006 00:23
I love you photos of Alaska and Joop and Anna and your camera eye is so keen and you have such artistic flare to your work. I feel honored to visit here. I hope my cousin has time to view your Alaska pictures when he is here next week. It's such a honor to view your pictures here and on flickr! Suzy
eric 26-Mar-2006 13:49
hoi hoi
ik ben op zoek naar mij vader
polling henricus caspar thomas maria
geboortedatum 14 september 1947 in breda
ik ben zijn zoon eh.j.j.m polling
Guest 19-Mar-2006 20:55
I really liked readng Joop's journal. I think it was a really nice idea! He was a beautiful dog and very well looked after and spoilt!
Brian Hewitt 23-Feb-2006 23:58
Ik zal hell graag een paar van uw fotos gaan gebruiken voor een tevevisie spot-- voor het Nenana Ice Classic zelf, dat ik hier produziere voor KTVF Fairbanks- ze zijn alle zo mooi! groete uit Fairbanks
Peter Spek 23-Feb-2006 21:07
Dag Henk,
Ik was op zoek naar informatie over Wiseman/Coldfoot Alaska. I was erg blij met je foto s. 2 weken terug ben ik in Fairbanks geweest echter ik kon Coldfoot niet berijken wegens extreme kou -60F. Ik ben bezig of ik daar land kan kopen en wil graag meer te weten komen
over dit gebied. Kan je me meer vertellen? Of kan ik je een keer bellen.
groet Peter Spek
chrisse28-Jan-2006 09:06
Dag Henk,
Ik ben blij dat ik toevallig op je site terechtkwam. Prachtige foto's hier. Ik heb je toegevoegd aan mijn favorieten, enkele gallerijen heb ik al bekenen, en ik kom zeker terug voor de rest.
siea wijnhold 03-Jan-2006 13:25
hoi henk
wat een schitterende foto's van jullie nieuwe hond Anna, Van Harte Gefeliciteerd met de nieuwe aanwinst ze heeft een ongelooflijk warm thuis gekregen en ik hoop dat ze dan ook nog vele vele jaren bij jullie mag zijn en dat wij nog lang mogen meegenieten van al haar belevenissen en ook Joop zullen we nooit vergeten
met een hartelijke groet
siea wijnhold
Sue Shepherd 03-Dec-2005 21:18
Dear Henk,

I have certainly enjoyed your web site! I got to it by way of a photo that was from your web site but on I'm sorry they borrowed your photo without crediting it, however via the uncited photo I found my way to your wonderful galleries, especially Joop's dog log. Perhaps Anna will have one, too.

Thanks for sharing your life. I see from your books your are interested in spiritual matters, and so was Joop!

I just read Jeff's comments. Joop, I'm sorry but it will get worse in Iraq before it gets better. How is it that a man who says he is a Christian, is responsible for torture almost as bad as a crucifixion? Alas. Glad you can't know all about it, Joop.

Jef Bartelet 14-Nov-2005 11:58
Mooie foto's Henk.
De gevelstenen van Grijpskerk, Lutjegast en Niekerk trokken mijn belangstelling. Lijkt wel een rondgang door onze vaderlandse geschiedenis van 80-jarige oorlog, de zilvervloot tot Abel Tasman.
Heb ze een plekje gegeven op mijn site http:/ (gevelstenen van overal), uiteraard met bronvermelding.
Hoop dat je er mee accoord gaat.
Guest 16-Aug-2005 19:29
Superfoto's van Vlieland (ons vakantie-eiland). Zijn er pas weer geweest, fantastisch!! Gr. Harry en Margret en kids (rest ook gaaf)
Guest 26-Jul-2005 04:09
Some wonderful pictures of Cuba. I was recently in Havana and now wish I had taken the time to visit Sancti Spiritus and Trinidad.
Wia & Hans 20-Jul-2005 11:03
Moi Henk,
Waren aan het zoeken naar sites over ons favoriete eiland Vlieland, en komen jullie foto's tegen. Prachtig.
Gaan er over drie weken weer heen.

Beste Mor Weer
steve 28-Jun-2005 13:01
nice site, i will be back

jantine 04-Mar-2005 23:38
Hele mooie foto van Vlieland.
Alleen het Hotel in de dorpstraat heet Badhotel Bruin.
Martin Cyr 10-Feb-2005 01:48
Loved your photo's of Holland. I worked over there, in Delfzijl for a 9 month period (98-99'). Your photo's brought back fond memories of how beautiful your country is.
Peter Chou04-Feb-2005 09:14
I love your photos of colourful Cuba! I have some travel photos in my gallery and I would like to invite you to take a look. I appreciate all advice and comments that would help me to be a better photographer.
Ugo onitsha 19-Dec-2004 09:21
nice site note that i am here to explore
Jeff 16-Sep-2004 00:48
Joop, I just want you to know that there are people right here in the United States that agree with every word you pawed regarding "their" (not my) President. Just about every day I look forward to seeing what new adventure you've gotten yourself into, but I never had any idea that you were a deep thinker about politics - especially American politics. But unfortunately, and as I guess you know, our politics - and politicians - seem to play a way too important a part of international harmony. I'm sorry, Joop, that this president is messing things up for you, for your the humans that you love (and they love you!), for me and my country - and ultimately, for the world. We have what is called "polling" here (which is our way of getting a scent from the humans to figure out how they might vote) and it looks real bad for all of us right now - you, me, all of us. Lets hope that between now and November something/someone comes along to help everyone in the U.S. think more about the world and not so much just about us. You are a wonderful dog, Joop and thanks for pawing your message almost every day! Jeff
Guest 26-Aug-2004 19:03
Dude. After some many time I´m starting to feel like I know Joop.
Great work. Unique work in deed.
Take care and congratulations for this.
Chris 08-Aug-2004 18:39
It's amazing see these pictures!!! They're totally wonderful, just like Joop!!! A wonderful dog!!!
Chris (Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil) =)
Betty Sinnema 21-Jul-2004 21:47
Leuk om je foto's te bekijken. Op goed geluk zocht ik naar foto's van mijn woonplaats Haren. We bleken niet alleen de omgeving Tynaarlo, Haren en Groningen te 'delen', maar ook de ervaring Brussel. Mijn man en ik bezochten het Atomium in augustus 2003. Je foto's zijn van een kwaliteit die meegenieten mogelijk maakt. Bedankt.
corrina 07-Apr-2004 01:04

Dear Henk en Joop,

Just saw you two are from Groningen... i lived there for a year... went to school. Nederland is heel Gezelig... en ik mis het zo.

Guest 25-Mar-2004 10:58
Hi Joop & Henk,
I was here and built an test account at /knuddelbacke.
But I think, it's not the right place for me. The navigation and the user interface are 'ancient'. It's hard for me to realize the logic behind all this stuff.
And most of all, I can't find a community like in fotolog ... :-(
It's just a gallery ... ok., with stunning issues, but ...

I will try it a little bit.
:) Hardy & the K-pack
Guest 21-Mar-2004 19:37
This is such a lovely idea for a gallery - clearly Joop must be very talented to think up a different pose for you to photograph every day. Looks like he has a great life with his humans.
Guest 16-Mar-2004 14:46
A real treat for the eyes and the mind -- thanks for sharing Joop and "his thoughts" with the rest of us!
CJ Swartz, Arizona, USA