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18-Feb-2023 Tim Betts

Milwaukie (not Milwaukee) mural

In February Tim visited his mother, who lives in Milwaukie, a suburb of Portland, Oregon. I guess I’ve gotten him in the habit of looking for murals because he found this one (and another) around the city.

According to the Travel Oregon website:

“In 2020 the city unveiled the new Milwaukie Mural by artist Jeremy Okai Davis in Water Tower Park. The mural highlights and celebrates three important residents of Milwaukie: Ah Bing, Dorothy Hadley and Hurtis Hadley. Ah Bing was an orchard foreman who cultivated the popular Bing cherry in Milwaukie in the 1870s, a time in Oregon when anti-Asian sentiments against Chinese laborers ran rampant. The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 prevented him from returning to Oregon after visiting family in China.

“Dorothy and Hurtis Hadley purchased Milwaukie Pastry Kitchen in 1977, making it the first Black-owned bakery in the state during a time when Oregon’s Black population was less than 1% (it is now about 6%). Hurtis Hadley recognized that their first year of operation was the hardest as many of their white neighbors did not welcome or want ‘an accomplished Black couple in their midst, or Black people at all in the mostly white town’.”

Ibis rookery, somewhere in Victoria, posted earlier:


Apple iPhone 13 Pro
1/1250s f/1.5 at 5.7mm iso50 full exif

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Don Mottershead28-May-2023 21:02
Thanks for posting the information. Very interesting.
LynnH27-May-2023 20:22
I was wondering how the pies related because I was thinking of Wisconsin too. Then I read the caption. V
Julie Oldfield27-May-2023 14:54
A very welcoming mural. Nicely captured colors. I first thought it was Wisconsin. V
bill friedlander27-May-2023 14:45
A nice way to honour these important people. V
janescottcumming27-May-2023 13:29
A beautiful mural and some very interesting information. V
Marcia Rules27-May-2023 13:20
PS: by the good ole days I am referring to the art on the mural and its positivity...
Marcia Rules27-May-2023 13:19
wonderful cheer and sense of the good ole days! VV~
Isabel Cutler27-May-2023 12:41
A beautiful tribute. V.
Fong Lam27-May-2023 12:03
A beautiful mural and thanks for the interesting history....V
Buz Kiefer27-May-2023 10:48
Nice one, Tim. V
Richard Chu27-May-2023 04:17
Beautifully captured and interesting story! V
Nirvan Hope27-May-2023 03:27
Lots of fruit for pies around there.
Raymond27-May-2023 01:35
Home of cherry pies, nice catch
Liz Bickel27-May-2023 01:28
Very interesting history behind this mural.
globalgadabout27-May-2023 01:08
seems like good people well worthy of a for racists, they are all simpletons with a very limited perspective on life..
Hank Vander Velde27-May-2023 00:58
A beautiful mural well captured Tim.
larose forest photos27-May-2023 00:29
Great mural and an excellent shot of it. V
Tom Munson27-May-2023 00:04
Nice capture of this wonderful mural.
Dennis Hoyne26-May-2023 23:00
Neat shot, now I want a piece of pie.
Don26-May-2023 22:51
It is good to see a multi-ethnic welcome, recognising the diversity of home and implying welcome to all.
Claude Gagnon26-May-2023 21:17
A nice way to welcome visitors ! Great shot Tim :)) V
hayl26-May-2023 19:50
A wonderful mural to celebrate their history.
Jola Dziubinska26-May-2023 19:38
Nice find, I like the fresh colors. V.
joseantonio26-May-2023 18:32
for a moment I thought it was "milwaukee"...V