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The sky is falling... (1)

I was sitting at my computer just about to comment on Sam’s image, when suddenly several of the beams in the ceiling came crashing down on to the dining room table, barely missing me and my computer and my glasses. My tea went all over the place. Luckily I had caught some movement on the ceiling out of the corner of my eye and pushed my chair back and covered my head. The beams are made of fiberglass or something light, but still… they were coming down a pretty long way. We now have wires hanging and lights broken and beams all over.

I had heard some odd noises the other day, and told my husband they sounded structural. I guess they were.

Sony DSC-RX100M2
1/100s f/2.2 at 10.4mm iso3200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
hamery11-Sep-2015 17:22
Lucky u and reflect so quick may be due to your photographic experiences, Helen. Your eyes catch something then u react !
Lieve Snellings06-Dec-2013 17:45
oh mamamia... but you had the reflex to immediatly take a photo...
glad to hear you're not hurt by this ! V
Theo Bögels27-Nov-2013 06:23
Wow, that doen't loook too good. I'm glad you're allright!
Zoltán Balogh25-Nov-2013 12:57
Oh my...glad you are all right! V
Denise J T Lee25-Nov-2013 06:20
Thank God (whichever up there, your God or theirs) no one was hurt !
Long Bach Nguyen25-Nov-2013 05:40
I am glad you are alright and were able to move away from the falling object.
Sam Rua24-Nov-2013 15:57
Wow. That is amazing and I am glad that you were just out of harm's way, Helen. It looks almost like a scene from a Universal Studios action set.
Sheila24-Nov-2013 11:55
Oh, thank goodness you are all right. That was a close call, Helen.
Carol Rollins24-Nov-2013 04:27
Wow, Helen, that was a close call! I'm so glad you weren't hurt and hope the repairs are
done quickly. I bet that got your heart pounding.
pkocinski24-Nov-2013 00:57
Holy Cow that was too close! Glad you're safe.
Graeme24-Nov-2013 00:39
You were very lucky Helen, I am so pleased you managed to avoid the beams and they didnt break your laptop either. Gosh, I bet it scared you...
Stephanie23-Nov-2013 21:35
OMG!!! I can't believe this! Talk about shoddy workmanship!
Glad you survived without and harm! V
Pieter Bos23-Nov-2013 20:50
Wow, that was a narrow escape Helen!
Chris Morton23-Nov-2013 20:30
you shouldn't have confessed they were fibreglass; our shrieks would have been of frightened sympathy instead of hysterical giggling...but seriously very pleased you escaped unscathed, nor had to test the strength of the aluminium case
Milan Vogrin23-Nov-2013 20:11
This was close!
janescottcumming23-Nov-2013 19:58
Wow, that was a close one! Yikes. Great after shot. V
joseantonio23-Nov-2013 19:48
Wow, glad to know you suffered no harm....V.
Martin Lamoon23-Nov-2013 19:46
Good to hear you escaped without harm. Think you need to move to a new house...
Mairéad23-Nov-2013 19:44
OMG! You must have got a terrible fright. Glad you are ok.