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Dave Hein | all galleries >> kona life >> ironman kona 2008 > i think we're all bozos on this bus
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11-OCT-2008 © DK Hein 2008

i think we're all bozos on this bus

Ref: "I Think We're All Bozos on This Bus", Firesign Theatre, 1971

I still think this stuff is funny... even without the "herbal" cigarettes. :)

Nikon D300
1/640s f/5.6 at 105.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Lee G16-Oct-2008 17:29
Lol, a herd of tourists! I haven't seen or heard the Firesign Theatre in many years! Thanks for the flashback..
J. Scott Coile14-Oct-2008 22:46
Must be the economy class ;-)
Terri Steele14-Oct-2008 17:54
Great catch! ;)
Ann...14-Oct-2008 12:05
Arrgghh! Just imagine what it's like when they're released!!!!