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George Cumbee | all galleries >> Galleries >> 5-3-2011 Area Flooding > PaducahDownton Riverfront-Taken by Jerry Chumbler
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PaducahDownton Riverfront-Taken by Jerry Chumbler

Canon Powershot G11
1/640s f/4.0 at 12.1mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 26-May-2011 21:11
Are there any photos that zoom in closer to get a better idea just how high up the water was on the wall?
Jillaine Gallagher 06-May-2011 16:52
I was visiting the AQS quilt show and we watched them close the gates. Then we dodged the tornados the remainder of the week. I live in a small town on the shores of Lake Michigan. We put up with a lot of snow for many months but we don't have these kinds of problems. My heart goes out to all of those dealing with loss of property and the farmers who will be unable to plant this season. Any chance I can purchase this photo?
rob robertson 06-May-2011 01:30
great photos of a very serious situation. they give us an idea of the enormous power of the rivers. all who contributed are appreciated. i've forwarded them to former paducahans who all send their best to those who are affected. rob robertson,m.d.
Guest 05-May-2011 17:20
I would like to purchase a couple of you pics> Please advise.
John Harris @ Whalers Catch--4544-7701---thanks
Mary Walker 04-May-2011 22:00
These are awesome pictures, you did a great job.
Guest 04-May-2011 13:09
Looks like the floodwall is holding!!
Mary Helen Hicks 04-May-2011 06:06
I would love to order one of these in an 8x10 is that possible, let me know the price and what to do, Mary Helen Hicks, GREAT PICTURES
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