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Georgia Roessler | profile | all galleries >> International Travel >> West Africa >> Scenes of West Africa tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Scenes of West Africa | Faces of West Africa

Scenes of West Africa

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Bamba! Mosque in Dakar Pirogues On the Beach Waterfront of Isle Gorée
Schlepping Pirogue Encore Upset * Rue Gorée
Byways Abloom Eternal Laundry Come along with me... L'Elégance Africaine
Wallflowers Sightseeing Desolate Boating As I was saying...
Granaries Flipped Out Laid to Rest Muslim Graves Ici Repose...
Low Tide Abridged Refreshed Afloat Seedy
Good Morning, Sunshine! Quiet Time Going to Market Market Days Burdened
Marketing Slow Going Sunrise on the River Gambia Early Hours Fisherman
Stage Struck Hiding Out Let me tell you... Yachting! Go Ugly Early
Methodist In Style! Pegasus Landlubber The better to EAT you with, my dear!
Dug Out On the River Désirs Chic Boutique