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Light and shadow

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Alex Cheung26-Mar-2010 23:44
Guest 18-Jan-2010 16:28
Guest 10-Feb-2009 22:44
This was a dream shot!!I never would have left!!~V~
Bart Aldrich04-Jan-2009 04:51
Rob Oele08-Jul-2008 12:15
Yesss V
Antonio 16-May-2008 01:45
Wooonderful !!
Guest 23-Apr-2008 15:11
Beautiful pictures.
Rosemarie Kusserow05-Apr-2008 05:27
Fascinating image Wei, I love the colors and the light and shadow play, beautiful composition, a big vote, Rosemarie :o)
Greg Harp13-Mar-2008 06:38
Pure magic.
Popko van Meekeren07-Mar-2008 17:17
Great usage of light and lines. V!
Guest 29-Feb-2008 15:49
Wow...beautiful shadows and light!!
Bryan Ramsay29-Feb-2008 12:22
Awesome composition and color!! -BJ
malcolm haslam29-Feb-2008 10:25
Totally absorbing...if the landscape has a spirit, then this captures something of it.
Yi Feng29-Feb-2008 04:53
Beautiful light! V
s_barbour29-Feb-2008 03:22
Stunning shot Wei, excellent play of light and shadow!
Guest 29-Feb-2008 02:43
Wow, this is such an intriguing image with the lines and colors drawing the eye in.
Wenche Aune29-Feb-2008 00:02
Beautiful light and shadows. V
Sharon Rogers28-Feb-2008 23:55
yes, gorgeous light and lines
J. Scott Coile28-Feb-2008 23:18
Amazing light and shadows Wei!
Kathy Thompson28-Feb-2008 22:37
Love the light and lines of trees and shadows. Just beautiful!
Sue Roberts28-Feb-2008 21:57
beautiful lines and shadows! a perfect picture
Sandi Whitteker28-Feb-2008 19:10
FAbulous light and shadow play! Beautifull composed, great colors.