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Frank Brault

Ballinspittle, County Cork, Ireland

Olympus OM-D EM-1 ,Olympus M. Zuiko Digital ED 12mm f2.0 ,Best at original size.
1/400s f/7.1 at 12.0mm iso200 RAW/PP full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Jeff Real27-Jan-2016 23:31
This color is so amazing...a striking image ~V~
Jean D18-Dec-2014 04:29
Lovely capture of these very colorful dwellings, Frank. ~V
Alexander Kazakov11-Dec-2014 14:37
Nice colors! V
Mairéad10-Dec-2014 23:42
That's some eye-popping colour! I noticed a lot of it while in the West of Ireland this year. We go for a more subdued colour schemes around here.
Tom LeRoy10-Dec-2014 18:06
Wow, that's some really colorful buildings, Excellent comp. V
bill friedlander10-Dec-2014 17:42
Nice rich colors. Very clear capture. V
laine10-Dec-2014 14:13
They dare to be lovely!
borisalex10-Dec-2014 08:31
Now this colorful in such warm light! V.
SLC_Images10-Dec-2014 03:45
Colorful, crisp compo and well seen! VT!
Guest 10-Dec-2014 00:52
Crisp and clear, the colors of a Miró, bold and expressive. A wonderful view. V
John Lamb10-Dec-2014 00:01
Colourful terraced houses Frank. Obviously well maintained. The white cable snaking up to the aerial looks out of place. ~v~
Walter Otto Koenig09-Dec-2014 23:20
Nice the houses with the vividly colored paint. Very clear and sharp image Frank. "V"