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Frank Brault | all galleries >> Galleries >> Abstracts & Semi-Abstracts >
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Frank Brault

West Hartford, CT USA

Table lamp in a doctors office.

Olympus OM-D E-M5 ,Panasonic LEICA MACRO-ELMARIT 45mm F2.8 O.I.,Best at original size
1/40s f/2.8 at 45.0mm iso1600 RAW/PP full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Karen Stuebing27-Jun-2012 22:03
I like how you focused on the top with the shallow depth of field. Makes for great shapes and abstract. Super textures too. V.
Stephanie27-Jun-2012 17:22
Posh doctor's office! Wonderful shot! V
Tom LeRoy27-Jun-2012 16:05
Great image, Frank. Glad to know what it is, because it's a stunning abstract. V
Walter Otto Koenig27-Jun-2012 14:20
A fascinating image. Makes for a great abstract."V"