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Eric Pouhier | all galleries >> Galleries >> Black and White > The Loonely Petrified Godness - Paris
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The Loonely Petrified Godness - Paris


Olympus C-8080WZ
If you wish a print of this picture contact me at : Eric [dot]
Pouhier@Gmail [dot] com full exif

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Mol 17-Sep-2007 23:36
This picture is just wondering the tone and the colors of black and white make it just winderful.....
poetry66613-Jun-2005 17:08
I really like this composition.
The Petrified Godess is very cimetrical and there is a great deal of balance about this subject. The fact that its black and white really adds so much to this shot.

Truly an excellent composure.
Guest 11-Jun-2005 07:02
Great contrast and tones - and composition! Well done.
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