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Nick Powell | all galleries >> Colours >> The Colour and Texture of Rust II > _IMG_6859m
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Gervan08-May-2008 19:53
A very good one. Nice colors and fine details. V.
Janet Forjan-Freedman15-Feb-2008 22:10
Great work capturing the colour and texture of the rust!
Hank Vander Velde15-Feb-2008 14:29
Great texture and colours - poor maintenance. Is it still seaworthy? Well done Nick. V.
Paco López15-Feb-2008 12:01
Excellent!!! V!
Guest 15-Feb-2008 11:36
Yes, it may be a old rusty boat but it has a lot of character. Excellent, Nick!
Steve Morris15-Feb-2008 09:06
Beautiful photo -but wouldn't want to go out on that boat!! V
Barbara Heide15-Feb-2008 08:40
goreous! v
Gerard Koehl15-Feb-2008 07:37
Superbe... Les couleurs sont vraiment magnifiques. V
Sandi Whitteker15-Feb-2008 07:09
Great find Nick! Love that rusty color, especially with a bit of blue. Very well composed shot.
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