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Konya At or near Mevlana Museum 2010 2590.jpg

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The mesnevi han odası. After Mevlana’s death, a special office was created called ‘mesnevihan’, which was the highest rank inside the Mevlana Tekkesi. The name originated from the circumstance that Mevlana’s first successor at the head of the convent was Hüsamettin Efendi, an elderly dervish who used to read the Mesnevi (Mevlana’s six books of poetry that together amount to around 25,000 verses) as soon as he had a spare moment (which become plenty when you grow older).
Thus: the ‘mesnevihan odası’ was the room of the head of the Mevlana Tekkesi/Convent.

Correspondent: J.M.Criel, Antwerpen.
Sources: Website of ‘’ & Wikipedia .

Nikon D3
1/30s f/7.1 at 14.0mm iso2000 full exif

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