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Don | all galleries >> # quiet places # >> # in my tropical garden # >> * more from my garden * > balcony view
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balcony view

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From my garden, not in it of course; the Mt Ida ridge. Taken with a zoomed lens.

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Irene Wehrli01-Jun-2017 19:54
Green, green, green - how much I love this. What a great view from your balcony, Don!
Yvonne26-May-2017 11:14
Looks great Don.. one never to tire from seeing. v
Nirvan Hope26-May-2017 05:19
Watching the slow growth of big trees from your balcony, what an excellent way to pass the time.
larose forest photos25-May-2017 21:17
Wow, nice to have this within zoom lens distance!! V
chris morton25-May-2017 21:04
good to see so much green
Jim Coffman25-May-2017 20:35
I could really enjoy such a beautiful view!!
Tom Munson25-May-2017 20:08
And a great view it is.
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