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1960's Courtesy of George Masek

1960's - WCKR 610 AM "Wacker Backer Club" card

Miami, Florida

Thank you to George Masek for contributing an image of his Wacker Backer Club card, valid because he signed it.

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Mary Anne C 12-Mar-2011 01:26
Don, North Miami Beach HS didn't open until 1971. I know, because I was on the faculty the opening year. Maybe Diane went to North Miami HS?
Don Lawrence 14-Nov-2008 23:16
just came across this site and it sure brought back memories....In 1962 Rick Shaw had a contest - write in 99 words or less why you would like to work on the Rick Shaw Show....I wrote and won the job. I believe the girl that won was Diane Raymond - believe she was from N. Miami Beach High...I went to Edison....worked with Rick for a couple of years and during the changeover to WIOD...great memories. Spent a lot of time with Roby Y. All night talk show guy was Larry King! Live in NC now but think fondly of those years.......Don Lawrence
Jeff 19-May-2008 05:53
For those who do not know this... WCKR was the rock-and-roll incarnation of WIOD from 1959-1962. When they couldn't compete with WQAM, WINZ and WFUN, they reverted back to WIOD (Wonderful Isle of Dreams) and easy-listening music.

Oddly enough, the WCKR moniker is a bit of a misnomer. When Channel 7 (originally WCKT - now WSVN) went on the air in the mid-50's, the "CKT" stood for Cox-Knight-Trammell.

Cox owned WIOD and the Miami News, Knight the Miami Herald.

Trammell was a big shot with NBC.

Shortly after going on the air, the FCC stepped in and declared that two competing newspapers could not jointly own a television station in the same market.

Cox and Knight were forced to divest of Channel 7, and it was sold to Sid Ansin, who started Sunbeam Television Corporation.

What has this to do with WCKR?

Simple... By the time Cox chose to try the rock and roll format, they picked WCKR to align themselves [through name familiarity] with their former TV station (which happened to be located on the same property on the 79th Street Causeway) the "T" in WCKT then allegedly stood for "Television" and the "R" in WCKR was meant to be "Radio"...

Rick Shaw began his Miami career at WCKR before joing WQAM in 1963...