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1970 Don Boyd

1970 - Northeast Airlines annual charity flight benefitting Variety Children's Hospital (B727-295 N1650)

Miami International Airport

C/n 20248/761. This aircraft went to Delta when they bought Northeast Airlines and later to Pan Am which re-registered the aircraft to N371PA.

Every year Northeast would provide an aircraft to take the public up for a 30 minute flight around Miami at low altitude for $10, with all proceeds benefiting Variety Children's Hospital. Delta did not continue the event after they bought Northeast in 1972.

Note the Air Canada B747 with the baboon nose in the background.

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betty 23-Jul-2010 01:03
My dad was a flight engineer/co-pilot for Northeast, I actually have a modle of the yellow bird sitting on one of my bookshelves!
nancy bursk 01-Sep-2008 01:45
Great to see a "Yellow Bird" again. My husband was a mechanic with Northeast and then Delta after the merger.
Ray23-May-2008 03:11
Notice all the soot around the back of the engine. Reminds me of how dirty jets used to be back then. Now it's very rare to see smoke behind a jet.