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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami Area THEATRES and DRIVE-IN THEATRES Historical Photos Gallery - All Years - click on image to view > 1960 - a promotional movie flyer for the Tropicaire Drive-In Theatre
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1960 - a promotional movie flyer for the Tropicaire Drive-In Theatre

Thank you to Roberta Perry Hughes for contributing this image. The reverse side of the flyer had the movies for the Dixie Drive-in. (See previous page)

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Ron 15-Jun-2016 00:12
I went to a private school about 2 miles away from the Tropicaire and after bedcheck we'd run down and sneak in. Surprisingly we never got caught probably because they didn't care.
Dave Helmick Jr 19-Mar-2008 06:19
I was so surprised to see this flyer issued by the Tropicare Drive-In Theater. My father was a part-time cook at the concession stand at the tropicare Drive in 1966-68, Dave Helmick was his name. He use to take me and my sisters there when he worked in the kitchen and we would play at the playground, watch movis, and walk up and down the isles earlier in the day, before it got dark, and we'd find all kinds of loose change, and then off to the conession stand we'd go. My father use to get a kick out of it. I was born in Miami in 1953, and my sisters (The Twins) were born in 1958 at Jackson Memorial Hospital. Thanks for the memories. Dave Helmick Jr