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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami Area Tourist and Local ATTRACTIONS Historical Photos Gallery - All Years - click on image to view > 1948 - passengers on the Seminole Queen jungle cruise to Musa Isle
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17-NOV-1948 Courtesy of Bill Nazarkewich

1948 - passengers on the Seminole Queen jungle cruise to Musa Isle

Miami, Florida

Thank you to Bill Nazarkewich for contributing this image of his parents on the Seminole Queen boat cruise. He reports that they were not too impressed by the cruise up the river.

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Ben GODWIN 09-Jul-2021 19:34
In response to Cynthia Stacey...I joined the USAF in 8/64. I married in 7/67. In '69 I went to Vietnam and in '70 my wife and I visited my family in Miami. During that visit I introduced my wife to my uncle and he took us on a trip to Musa Isle, while piloting the Queen up the Miami River. That said - are you sure Musa Isle closed in '64?

And to Mark Lincoln...I'm unsure of the exact date, because I was overseas in the US Air Force, but I believe my late Uncle Nils GODWIN once told me in the '80s that the Queen was sold for salvage and later dismantled. I believe he said that transaction occurred in the late '70s. He really loved piloting that boat (and entertaining sightseers) but he and his partner (Capt Bill) were forced to sell both the "Queen" and the "Capt Bill" (Pier 5 charter fishing boat) due to low patronage and diminishing revenues. My uncle died in '84 and I think it was partly due to a broken heart
Ben GODWIN 09-Jul-2021 19:12
This photo has special meaning for me. It was taken when I was age 2. The reason its so special to me is because the two gentlemen pictured on the lower deck (RH side) are both my uncles. (Ted MARS [L} and Nils GODWIN [R]). My uncle Nils was a co-owner of the "Queen" and regularly piloted the Queen throughout Biscayne Bay and up the Miami River to Musa Isle, to watch alligator wrestling and visit the Seminoles.
Cynthia Stacey 11-Jun-2019 21:27
My parents Alice & George Stacey and my grandparents before them, the Campbells, owned the Musa Isle Indian Village and I have fond memories or playing on the Seminole Queen. In answer to your question Mark Lincoln, the Village closed in 1964.
Guest 09-Aug-2016 17:06
Thomas Ulmer

It was on this cruise that the Guide pointed out an Island house which he said had seven kitchens...
Mr. and Mrs. Kitchen and their five children.
Mark Lincoln 24-Apr-2015 00:11
Anyone know what became of the Seminole Queen? It was at Pier 6 in the mid-1960s.
Guest 21-Jan-2012 04:41 input it once by mistake and got a site full of old miami dade bus pictures
Alfred Cavalier 31-May-2010 01:43
As a child we lived next door to the Musa Isle Indian Village. We always took the bus to downtown Miami to go shopping, but occasionally we got to ride home on the Seminole Queen. The cries of the Peacocks at Musa Isle would always scare my Mom because Dad worked nights at Eastern Airlines. We rented a garage apartment from the Sheltons.
Wilson Wright, Tallahassee 17-Jul-2008 00:15
Where is the Nicko. It was a sightseeing boat on Undian River on the Beach ?