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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami Area CARS, Car Clubs, Car Rental Agencies, Car Dealers, Drag Racing, Auto Shows, Speedways - click on image to view > 1957 - Spitzer Dodge on the southeast corner of NW 7 Avenue and 90 Street, Miami
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1957 - Spitzer Dodge on the southeast corner of NW 7 Avenue and 90 Street, Miami

Southeast corner of NW 7th Avenue and 90th Street, Miami

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Don Boyd07-Oct-2009 14:53
Thanks, Al Z. I've changed it to 1957.

Mel Mann 12-Sep-2008 03:09
I bought my first new car from Spitzer Dodge on N.W. 7th Avenue in 1971. The dealership looked the same as the photo. The salesman's name was Mr. Sisson - a real gentleman with snow white hair.
AL Z. 12-Aug-2008 06:09
Hi! Love the pic's of South Florida. Grew-up here from 1957, until 1979. I do believe the picture caption that reads: "1955 Spitzer Dodge...etc" is actually later than that. I see 1957, or later Plymouth's on the lot. If you'll look closely, you will see them. "Thanks for the Memories!!!"